Friday, 15 February 2008


I think it was Stephen Downes that referred me to Edutagger in one of his posts (where the man finds the time to post the extraordinary amount of stuff that he does is really beyond me by the way).

This I think is a really great idea, fitting in perfectly with developments around OER and the new role(s) of the university that I referred to in earlier posts around this topic. As mentioned in the posting on assessing informal learning, I strongly believe that the true value of the University, is in the guidance and support is provides around learning, and the accreditation of that learning. Edutagger to me is the perfect example of how, in this case in K12 education in the US, Web2.0 technology is utilised to realise one of the components of this guidance: "Where do I find reliable and useful resources to learn about topic X?". I think every module or program should probably have a collection of tagged and rated bookmarks like these in addition to (and eventually in stead of? ) their reading lists.

1 comment:

Miss Vicki said...

So glad to find this blog. I am going to spread this to everyone.